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Kyra Chilekar '29
What grade are you in?
I am in 6th grade.
How long have you attended Episcopal?
I started Episcopal in sixth grade.
What is your favorite activity?
I love arts and crafts and Craftastic is just the right thing for me in school to relax, have some fun and make nice craftwork with friends. I also like the sports events, like basketball or softball.
What is your favorite academic subject, and why?
It’s Science, because I think it’s really interesting to learn about how things work or how things are made. My favorite part in Science are the experiments and the LAB projects.
What extracurricular activities are you in?
I’m involved in school softball, the craftastic club and the musical (Matilda jr.). Outside of school I’m taking piano and German lessons.
What is your favorite book?
It’s Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows, because I like that there are sudden twists at the end.
What is something you like to do outside of school?
I like to play with my dog when he is not napping and he’s in the mood to play, read when I have a really good book, practice piano and call my friends who live far away, because I want to stay in touch with them.
What is a big world problem that you would like to change?
When I’m asked about what big world problem I would like to change, I would change poverty, because I think that everyone deserves to have a good life.
Have you volunteered in your community? Doing what?
I and my friends started a nature club and we used to pick up trash from the streets and parks of my home town.
What do you think is the most important quality for a teacher to have?
I think it’s patience, because when you are a teacher, you need to have a lot of patience with the kids.
What makes you feel the most appreciated and understood?
It’s when people include me in something no matter big or small and listen to my ideas as well, because if they don’t listen at all, it means that they don’t appreciate you.
What is one thing you would like to do better as a student?
Usually I am a little bit hesitant in the classrooms about expressing my ideas. I would like to change that and participate actively in discussions and be more bold.
What are some family items or activities that represent your culture and identity?
I celebrate Indian festivals with my family, my dog and sometimes even with my friends, because they are interested in celebrating in a different way then they normally would celebrate their festivals.
Is there anything else you want to add about yourself that we missed?
I was born in Germany and have lived most of my life in Europe. I have moved 4 times and have lived in 3 countries. I recently moved from Belgium, Europe to Baton Rouge. In Europe, I had German as my first language in school till this year. I have played piano for 5 years and like to play it and I love to dance.