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Reintroducing the Episcopal Alma Mater

September 20th, 2024

The Episcopal Alma Mater

Episcopal High is here for you, it’s a way of life and what is true.
We come to learn in many ways, preparing now for later days.
A school, a way of life for all.
It’s not a person, rather, it’s a place we learn to live together!
Episcopal High is here for you. It’s a way of life and what is true.

When a group of friends from the Episcopal classes of 1972 and 1973 get together for their annual vacation at Orange Beach, it’s always a great time. These friends from across the country gather each August to catch up, share stories and reconnect. After all this time, the Episcopal spirit is still so strong among them that they recently played a part in resurrecting the Episcopal Alma Mater.

Capturing the Feeling of Family

“I was amazed that we all remembered the lyrics and the tune,” says Susan Eaton ’73. This summer, Eaton was in touch with Episcopal Alumni Relations Coordinator Lindsay Turner ’97, who was researching whether Episcopal had an Alma Mater. While at the annual beach gathering, Eaton grabbed her phone and asked her lifelong friends to sing Episcopal’s anthem. Without missing a beat, the group erupted into song, remembering lyrics many had not sung for decades.

Eaton says the Episcopal Alma Mater was part of school life during those early days. “We were a young school and now realize how fortunate we were to be there during that unique time,” she recalls. “When we were there, it was such a special time, and we were so bonded.” She points to challenges the students faced at the time, such as a tornado that destroyed the gym and damaged the Middle School building and Perkins Hall and the loss of several students. Persevering through challenges and being part of a small school fostered friendship bonds that turned into something more. “It felt like a family, and the song captured that,” says Eaton.

The Puzzle is Solved

Turner and Choir Director Carrie Poynot are bringing that feeling of family and belonging back through the Alma Mater. “It’s really special to see 50 years of history brought back to life!” says Poynot. The effort to resurrect the song began last spring when Turner started investigating with the help of alumna Lounelle Campbell Black ‘74, who was preparing for their 50th reunion.  With her help, and other 1970’s graduates, the lyrics were uncovered but the music remained a mystery.  During the Class of 1974’s 50th reunion, Turner first heard what the original Alma Mater sounded like during an impromptu rendition in the Alumni House parlor. Hearing the song inspired Turner to continue her efforts.  “As a 1997 graduate of Episcopal we never had an Alma Mater during my time as a student and after learning one existed that meant so much to the students of Episcopal in the earlier years, I felt strongly it was a project worth pursuing,” she says.  “To bring back something that can tie together generations of Episcopal alumni is truly wonderful.  What an amazing common thread that will connect us all through the Episcopal experience no matter your graduation year.”

Turner contacted Poynot for assistance, and Poynot was delighted to help solve the puzzle. The song's lyrics were located, but the two weren’t sure of the tune. “I searched the choir room for a written arrangement of the piece but could not find one in our choral library,” says Poynot. “I recognized the tune as Copeland’s ‘Simple Gifts,’ but there was a middle section that was not quite clear.” That’s where the Episcopal beach-going alumni stepped in. Upon Turner’s request, Eaton asked the group to sing the song to demonstrate the tune, and everything fell into place. “It was adorable to hear these alums sing a song that obviously meant so much to them,” says Poynot. 


Reintroducing the Alma Mater

With the lyrics and tune now known and a few tweaks made along the way, Poynot taught Episcopal choir members the song, and they recently performed it at the Leadership Donor Celebration. Poynot says this is just the beginning. “It is my plan to continue to teach all of my Middle School students the Episcopal Alma Mater,” she says. “In fact, they will have a quiz on it! We will also use an upcoming community time to teach it to the Upper School and hopefully begin to reintroduce it at important campus-wide events.”

Eaton is equally thrilled that the Episcopal Alma Mater is back. “I hope when today’s students hear the Alma Mater, they appreciate how lucky they are to have the education they are receiving,” says Eaton. “You grow up with your classmates, many of whom become your extended family forever.”

The Episcopal School of Baton Rouge 2025-2026 application is now available! ​For more information on the application process, to schedule a tour, or learn more about the private school, contact us at [email protected] or 225-755-2685.

Posted in the categories All, Episcopal Alumni.