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A Bird, A Bug and Student-Led Learning

August 28th, 2024

Episcopal early childhood learning is truly an adventure, and teachers never know where student curiosity will lead. Recently, PreK-3 students were ecstatic to see a hummingbird in the PreK garden. The excitement generated a student-led experience with a field trip, research and a tasty treat.

Sugar and Smiles

PreK-3 teacher Anna Frey says the littlest Knights were thrilled to see the hummingbird approach the feeder hanging near the outdoor learning space. However, there was much dismay when students realized the feeder was empty. Without delay, Frey contacted QUEST Center Coordinator Stacy Hill, and the lesson began. Luckily, Hill had sugar readily available in Chemistry Kitchen, and students eagerly made the unexpected field trip to the QUEST Center in Foster Hall. While there, they researched nectar recipes and what their new hummingbird friend required to thrive. They returned to the Greer Center classroom more knowledgeable and ready to make a difference.

After Frey mixed the nectar, students were all smiles as they tried the sugary substance. They were even more delighted once the feeder was filled and ready for their friend. This fall, students will continue to make observations and monitor the feeder in hopes that more hummingbirds stop by on their travels.

Why Student-Led Learning Matters

Student-led learning is a hallmark of the Episcopal experience. With small class sizes, these powerful lessons occur across campus. In fact, hummingbirds are not the first creatures to inspire a student-led experience. Last year, the hum and mysterious shells of cicadas caught the attention of kindergarten students on the way to lunch. Curious and inquisitive, the little learners wanted to know what made the sound and where the shells came from. Teacher Erin Dufour immediately went into action and worked to incorporate the newfound interest into the annual lesson on the five senses. In a matter of days, students arrived at the QUEST Center to find microscopes, brightly colored magnifying glasses and bugs!

These experiences showcase the meaningful learning that occurs when students have a voice in their education. While exploring these new interests, students learn new vocabulary words, gain a better understanding of scientific concepts and practice using new equipment such as microscopes and measuring cups. There is such a joy to learning that students may not even realize they are gaining new knowledge and skills.

Student-Led Learning Beyond Lower School

Student-led learning occurs in all divisions. Middle School students lead conferences during which they inform their families and teachers about their learning experiences. Established as a pilot project, these student-led conferences have developed into an empowering experience for students. Perhaps the ultimate student-led experience can be found in the Upper School Thesis and ESTAAR programs. Students select a topic of their choice and dedicate many months and considerable time and effort to learning all they can to educate others on their findings.

Student-led learning, project-based experiences, small class sizes and nurturing faculty truly set Episcopal apart as a learning institution. As students tackle tough projects with enthusiasm, they develop the character traits and skills necessary to be the leaders and innovators of tomorrow. Who knew that a tiny bird or a noisy creature could inspire such tremendous opportunities for development and growth?

The Episcopal School of Baton Rouge 2025-2026 application is now available! ​For more information on the application process, to schedule a tour, or learn more about the private school, contact us at [email protected] or 225-755-2685.

Posted in the categories All, Lower School.