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Building Community and Learning Together in Kindergarten

August 22nd, 2024

“This was the best day ever!”

The sights and sounds of a kindergarten classroom evoke the sense of wonder and discovery that defines this pivotal educational year. Kindergarten students have the enthusiasm and willingness to get messy and explore the world through play while also reaching critical academic milestones. These five and six year olds develop skills that will forever change how they interact with the world, including reading, writing and growing socially and emotionally

Building Community/Working Together

Kindergarten is a time when students learn to collaborate with others. Teacher Sara Henderson says social/emotional learning and character development are significant components of kindergarten learning. For students, a new school year means learning classroom expectations and meeting the new classmates and teachers who are part of the kindergarten community. Belonging to a community and establishing lasting friendships strengthens the school experience and helps students develop a lifelong love of learning. 

Episcopal kindergarteners also have the opportunity to be part of the larger school community through their connections with the 5th Grade Buddies and the Senior Buddies. Before the leaders of Lower School move on to Middle School, they help ensure a kindergartener’s school year is positive. Fifth graders and kindergarteners celebrate learning milestones such as reading and writing together. Since the younger learners look up to the older students, it’s a meaningful experience when they gather to recognize success.

Each year, kindergarten students are also matched with a graduating senior as part of the Senior Buddies program. Senior students and kindergarteners team up for special events throughout the year, including All School Eucharists, the Halloween and Veterans Day parades, Pinwheels for Peace, the annual kite fly and more. In the spring, kindergarten students gift the seniors with a special video offering college advice from a kindergarten perspective. The Senior Buddies program has become one of Episcopal’s most beloved traditions, allowing seniors to encourage the next generation of Knights and helping kindergarteners imagine the possibilities associated with being a “big kid.”

Tailored Learning from Experienced Teachers

Creating such fun and meaningful experiences requires much thought and intention on behalf of the kindergarten team, which includes Henderson, Maria Campbell and Erin Dufour. Together, this talented group of early childhood educators brings 72 years of experience to the classroom. The teachers use best practices and tailored lessons designed for young learners to boost learning. Project-based learning, responsive classroom management and Writing Workshop are just a few examples of the methods used to make learning fun and engaging. 

Whether students explore the QUEST Center in Foster Hall, play in a classroom station or practice letters and numbers, meaningful learning occurs in kindergarten. By May, these little Knights will be well prepared for first grade adventures. 

Kindergarten is a memorable year for most of us. What advice would you give these little Knights based on your own kindergarten adventures? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

The Episcopal School of Baton Rouge 2025-2026 application is now available! ​For more information on the application process, to schedule a tour, or learn more about the private school, contact us at [email protected] or 225-755-2685.

Posted in the categories All, Lower School.