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REUKNIGHTED: Jenny Heroman Koenig '01

October 26th, 2023

If you have watched Lower School Religion teacher Jenny Heroman Koenig ’01 lovingly relate a Bible story to Lower School students, you know that she adores children. It’s also clear that they adore her. Recently, Jenny waited for kindergarteners to join her for a lesson on the story of Exodus. As students lined up for religion class, they greeted Jenny with hugs, smiles and excitement. Even as she gathered the young learners, Jenny greeted passing Middle School students, remembering their names, siblings and Lower School contributions. Inside the Lower School religion classroom, students found brightly colored cushions, inspiring posters and a peaceful prayer corner. In this oasis, Jenny offers lessons that highlight the importance of loving your neighbor and making the world a peaceful place. “That unites us,” she says.

Jenny is an exceptional storyteller. As she related Moses’ epic tale, she presented the concepts in terms that five year olds could understand. While discussing locusts and the Red Sea, she exclaimed, “Wow!” and made gestures and sound effects. She had the full attention of the little Knights, and they never tired of her story. The lesson ended with a playful rendition of “Pharaoh, Pharaoh,” and Jenny patiently walked the students back to their classroom.

Sharing Faith and Captivating Audiences

This combination of sharing a deep faith and capturing an audience’s attention comes naturally to Jenny. She has always been a faith-filled person and remembers being fascinated by religion class as a second grader at St. Luke’s. When she was the same size as many of the current Lower School Knights, Jenny thought the school’s priest was larger than life, very relatable and filled with love for the Lord. “I thought the priest might be God!” she says, with her trademark enthusiasm. That passion stayed with Jenny as she joined the Episcopal community in the fifth grade. The school nurtured her faith, and her time as a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and a weekly Bible study group was transformative. “We were all just on fire for God,” she says.

Jenny first began captivating audiences at a very young age. As a child, she performed impromptu shows for shoppers at the grocery store. She continued to develop her talents and found her home on the Episcopal stage, singing the role of Evangeline and performing in “Once on This Island” and many other shows. Jenny was also a High Stepper, a choir member and a Peer Health Advocate. She was an avid writer, penning frequent stories and letters to her beloved Grammy, who was a print journalist in Ohio. Following in her Grammy’s footsteps, Jenny earned a journalism degree at LSU. Her first assignment was reporting sports news for LSU’s Tiger TV. In reporting, Jenny felt a rush similar to what she experienced on stage. Eventually, her journalism career was solidified when she received an offer to create the EATEL Community Connection Show. Relatable and curious, she was the ideal host to welcome representatives from local charities and nonprofit organizations and help them share their stories. Jenny became an Ascension Parish sensation, receiving numerous honors, including the Ascension Chamber of Commerce’s 2014 Individual of the Year Award and the opportunity to be the Honorary Ascension Parish President on “Jenny Heroman Day.”

A Call to More

After 362 successful episodes, Jenny felt a call to something more. She always dreamed of being a mother. She also felt a pull to teaching. This childhood performer had frequently played school while growing up. Having faith that this was what she was meant to do, she became a certified teacher and began a new career at Donaldsonville Primary School. Standing before the students, she experienced a familiar feeling. “I felt a rush of excitement like before going on stage or interviewing someone,” she says. However, this time, that rush was different because of the children. She remembers the students’ eagerness to learn and the sense of responsibility she felt to teach them the skills they needed to succeed.

Teaching the next generation amplified Jenny’s desire to be a mom, so she moved closer to home to start her own family. Fortunately, Episcopal had a position available that would allow Jenny to share her faith, draw on her experience and focus on family. The opportunity to serve as her alma mater’s Lower School religion teacher was a dream come true. “It took my breath away,” she says.

There have been many breathtaking moments since Jenny returned to Episcopal. She has been confirmed and certified to serve communion. “I can’t tell you how special it is to serve communion,” she says. “I was so thankful.” No doubt, the biggest blessing Jenny has received since returning to Episcopal is realizing her dream of motherhood. Her oldest son, Joey, was born just before Christmas 2018. Jenny shares the school she loves with him and hopes to welcome her youngest son, Jonathan, to Episcopal next year. Sharing her school with her children has changed her perspective. “I see it through their eyes,” she says in awe. “I appreciate the school even more.”

As an alumna, faculty member and parent, Jenny is deeply connected to Episcopal. She trusts that God is the driver in life, and He gets her where she needs to go. Her faith has sustained her, and Jenny feels Episcopal is right where she needs to be. How lucky for the Episcopal community!

Share a message with Jenny in the comments section below. 

The Episcopal School of Baton Rouge 2025-2026 application is now available! ​For more information on the application process, to schedule a tour, or learn more about the private school, contact us at [email protected] or 225-755-2685.


Donna St Pierre (Nan)
1 year, 4 months ago
Jenny—You add value to Episcopal and they obviously recognize that gift. Such a blessing to be teaching there and especially for Joey to have those same wonderful experiences! ?
Martha Kucharchuk Kilbourne
1 year, 4 months ago
I remember you from your years at St. Luke’s with my son Richard. It’s good to hear you’re back “home”.
Allison Brown Kruse
1 year, 4 months ago
Jenny, your warm spirit and amazing heart lights up every room you enter! It’s a blessing you can share your enthusiasm and faith with the younger generations!
Ashley B. Smith
1 year, 5 months ago
You were destined to return and share your passion for all things Episcopal. Truly blessed to call you one of my dearest friends, 25+ years. To see that graduation photo and now to see you to teach my sweet boy-it comes full circle. Congratulations and thank you for all you do. Love you dearly.
JennyAshley B. Smith
1 year, 5 months ago
Love you, my friend. It’s an honor to be “home” and I appreciate your love and support so very much. This article truly touched my heart and made me realize the depth of the gratitude I have for the connection I have to this very special place.