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Congratulations to the 2023 Episcopal Valedictorian!

May 11th, 2023

Valedictorian banner

“Over the years, the Honor Council and the Code have created social norms that are now permanent and rooted in our school’s culture. It’s the standard here that everyone puts continuous effort into academics, sports, and the arts without taking the easy way out.” Carter McLean ’23

This year’s Honor Council President is also the 2023 Valedictorian. Carter McLean shared a perspective on the Episcopal Honor Code in Chapel earlier this year, and he certainly has not taken the easy way out since joining the Episcopal family in kindergarten. Serving as Honor Council President is just one of the many ways he has taken full advantage of the opportunities available.

He is a key member of the Knights cross country team and represents the school well as a member of Mu Alpha Theta, Quiz Bowl, Youth Legislature and Model United Nations. As a member of the ESTAAR program, he also attended the Junior Science and Humanities Symposium. Carter was recently named a Presidential Scholar Semifinalist and a National Merit Finalist.

This fall, Carter will attend Princeton University as a history major. Before he takes this next step, we asked him about his Episcopal experience and his goals for the future.

Quiz Bowl team

Carter and the Episcopal Quiz Bowl team won the state competition this year.


Carter McLean1.       What are you most proud of in your academic career thus far?

I’m most proud of winning the Quiz Bowl state championship this year with my team. It took us years of studying to get to our current level, so it was rewarding to see that finally pay off.

2.       What is the most important thing you’ve learned during your time at Episcopal?

I learned to actively engage with my interests and take pride in them, whatever they may be. Almost every activity at Episcopal is worth doing because the coaches and teachers here bring out the best in us. I’m thankful for everything that groups like Cross Country, Student Vestry, and Quiz Bowl have taught me outside of the classroom.

3.       Why did you choose Princeton?

I chose Princeton because its challenging academic environment will push me to my full potential. While touring there, I saw that the school had a good culture where I’d fit right in. I’m looking forward to learning from the unique faculty and other students there.

4.       What are your goals for your time at Princeton?

My goal is to major in History and minor in Environmental Science to later go on to law school and study Environmental Law. I don’t know what to expect outside of school, but I also plan to join organizations like the Pace Center Volunteer Council, the campus Methodist Church, and the running club. Also, just out of personal interest, I want to complete at least one major research project using the historic archives in the main library.

We are sure that Carter will continue to be successful beyond Episcopal. Please join us in congratulating him. Share a message with him in the comments section below. 


The Episcopal School of Baton Rouge 2025-2026 application is now available! ​For more information on the application process, to schedule a tour, or learn more about the private school, contact us at [email protected] or 225-755-2685.

Posted in the categories All, College Bound 2023, Upper School.


Charlene Thompson
1 year, 10 months ago
Congratulations, Carter! Well deserved recognition! Good luck in all your future endeavors.
Dorothy Moss
1 year, 10 months ago
Congratulations Carter! We wish you the best in the next chapter of your life!