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Episcopal Academic Resource Center: Peer Tutoring Excellence

August 22nd, 2024

Last year, Episcopal Academic Resource Center Fellows conducted a record 1,000+ peer tutoring sessions. This level of support and mentorship exemplifies Episcopal’s commitment to excellence and the efforts to ensure that students have everything they need to succeed.

The ARC is Here to Help

“We are a student-led, peer-to-peer learning center, supporting individual students and whole classes,” says ARC Director Katie Sutcliffe. “We are open every period and at office hours and staffed with Fellows who specialize in Writing, Math, Science and Foreign Language.”

Sutcliffe says 59 Fellows are available this year to support Middle and Upper School students. She says peer tutoring benefits the tutee and the tutor equally. According to the National Education Association, peer tutoring benefits include boosting academic achievement, improving peer relationships, improving personal and social development and increasing motivation. Renowned institutions such as Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Yale and Columbia have all recognized these benefits and offer student-led tutoring programs on their campuses.

On Episcopal’s campus, the Academic Resource Center is housed within the Aldrich Library, which has seen a surge in student learning and activity in recent years. Having the ARC under the same roof as the library creates a concentration of resources and countless opportunities for collaboration among Sutcliffe, librarians Tiffany Whitehead and Nancy Kramm and Learning Support Services Coordinator Tiffany Guerin.

Developing ARC Leaders

This year, Sutcliffe worked with the Fellows to create additional leadership opportunities. Senior Miniya Malone serves as ARC Manager and will assist Sutcliffe with operations. Additional roles include Special Events Director, Marketing Director, Course Liaisons and Connection Coordinator. In these positions, students will organize workshops, promote the center, work with teachers on partnership opportunities and encourage connections among Fellows. This solid team of leaders will be valuable as the center continues to provide more support to more students.

Sutcliffe and the Fellows want students and teachers to know that the Academic Resource Center staff are ready and willing to assist in big and small ways. Below is a look at some of the opportunities for assistance.

One-on-One or Small Group Study Appointments:  Students can make appointments to receive help with a paper or specific skill (in any subject area). Fellows can help students review for a test, brush up on a tricky skill or simply level up. Appointments are required for flex/office hours, but walk-ins are welcome during free periods.

Ongoing Partnerships: Some students benefit from ongoing weekly work with a Fellow. Sutcliffe is available to assist with matching students with Fellows to ensure a smooth tutoring process.

Rent-a-Fellow: Teachers can request a "TA" or “Fellow" to assist with assigned lessons. These experiences work well when the entire class does not need to access the library. Fellows can be that extra pair of hands to circulate and answer questions, work with small groups or assist in some other way in the classroom.

Make an Appointment Today!

Students can make an appointment here. The link is also accessible through the ARC Canvas page.

The Episcopal School of Baton Rouge 2025-2026 application is now available! ​For more information on the application process, to schedule a tour, or learn more about the private school, contact us at [email protected] or 225-755-2685.

Posted in the categories All, Middle School, Upper School.