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Mira Badawi '23
What grade are you in?
12th Grade
What grade were you in when you started at Episcopal?
10th Grade
What is your favorite Episcopal activity?
My favorite Episcopal activity would have to be morning meeting. Morning meeting is something we get to have every week. Mondays can be tiring, but as silly as it seems, the whole school gathering together, playing various games, and sharing laughs make them a little less dreadful.
What is your favorite academic subject, and why?
My favorite academic subject would have to be any form of Social Studies. Various cultures have always interested me, and learning about the past and how time has evolved is something I enjoy looking into on my own time, so getting to do that in school is a no-brainer favorite.
What extracurricular activities are you in?
Drum Corps, managed Volleyball, and Mock Trial.
What is your favorite book and why?
An all time favorite would have to be The Outsiders.
What is something you like to do outside of school?
I enjoy being active in my local mosque and doing things that connect me with those like me, which I don't get to do often within school hours. This also includes a Palestinian dabke group where we dance and various events.
Where would you donate $1 million if you could and why?
If I could donate $1 million, I would send it to the struggling countries in the Middle East. Countries like Palestine, Syria, and Yemen. These people suffer from safety issues and violence; on top of that, they have little to no resources, and unfortunately, many are starving to death. Palestine is being bombed, Syria had a destructive earthquake, and no one is sadly there to assist them. These people have nothing, and I would want to help them in any way I can.
Have you volunteered in your community? Doing what?
I volunteer pretty regularly, especially during Ramadan at my mosque; I clean around, help with the kids, and recently started making and then helping them sell baked goods for charity.
What do you think is the most important quality for a teacher to have?
Empathy. Schoolwork is essential, but you never know why a student is not performing the way that is expected.
What makes you feel the most appreciated and understood?
Words of encouragement or support can go a long way, and I think people fail to realize that. A simple word of kindness can change someone's entire day.
If you had to spend a month without your phone, what would you do?
I would try to better myself overall, something I have been in the process of for a while but without a phone or distractions would be a lot easier to accomplish. I would first work on myself spiritually and connect to my creator. I would take time to enjoy life as it is and just come to peace with it and spend more time with friends and family.
What are some family items or activities that represent your culture and identity?
My parents are immigrants, so we do some things that they did back home; this can be a simple family Ramadan dinner, listening to cultural music, or visiting Jordan to see family every other summer. These are just a few but I truly feel as if my culture plays an everyday role in my life and that is definitely due to my parents.