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Cameron Augustine '24
What grade are you in?
11th grade
What grade were you in when you started at Episcopal?
What is your favorite Episcopal activity?
What is your favorite academic subject, and why?
Math because I’ve always had an affinity for math and I’ve always been able to pick it up and understand it quickly.
What extracurricular activities are you in?
Powerlifting, Theater, and Choir
What is your favorite book and why?
Pride and Prejudice, which I just read this year, and it’s my favorite because of the romance and how relatable the characters are.
What is something you like to do outside of school?
I love to read, watch movies and shows, and play games.
Where would you donate $1 million if you could and why?
If I had a million dollars to give to someone, I’d give it to my dad so that he can put more towards my siblings education.
Have you volunteered in your community? Doing what?
Habitat for Humanity
What do you think is the most important quality for a teacher to have?
Being understanding and having open communication. I love when I feel I can be completely open and honest with a teacher, even when I’ve done something wrong.
What makes you feel the most appreciated and understood?
Someone being there for me during the really good and bad times.
If you had to spend a month without your phone, what would you do?
Play a lot of games and watch a lot of tv (and do homework of course).
What are some family items or activities that represent your culture and identity?
I have a lot of art in my house that my great grandmother painted, and it represents the connectedness in our family.
Is there anything else you want to add about yourself that we missed?
I love theater and family!!!