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Akshay Basireddy '23
What grade are you in?
12th Grade
What grade were you in when you started at Episcopal?
What is your favorite Episcopal activity?
What is your favorite academic subject, and why?
Science. I am in three science classes this year, Supervised Scientific Research, AP Biology, and AP Physics C: Mechanics and E&M. I like science because it is so diverse, which allows me to learn lots of basics about many interesting topics. I particularly enjoy SSR and Biology since I get to help SRME students with their new research projects and I get to learn about the processes in humans that let me play sports.
What extracurricular activities are you in?
Cross Country, Soccer, Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field
What is your favorite book and why?
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
What is something you like to do outside of school?
I like to go out and eat with friends because in the time sitting there you get good food but also have things around you that are always different and influencing new conversations.
Where would you donate $1 million if you could and why?
To Ekam USA, it is a charity I have been involved with that aims to help underprivileged children and women in India. I have had the chance to see firsthand how donations have bought new medical equipment for those people in rural areas of India.
Have you volunteered in your community? Doing what?
Locally I have been active with the Food Bank, homeless shelters, and a domestic violence shelter. I enjoy doing service in which I get to work with others to do real and immediate change.
What do you think is the most important quality for a teacher to have?
Communication. I think when a teacher is able to really get a student to understand what they want or why they are doing something then learning is best set for success. Further being on good terms academically allows for a better and more personal connection.
What makes you feel the most appreciated and understood?
I feel the most appreciated and understood when I am given what I want without having to ask. Whether it be quiet and space or food I appreciate others thinking ahead to help me out.
If you had to spend a month without your phone, what would you do?
I would focus on becoming physically fit and also reading books.
What are some family items or activities that represent your culture and identity?
My family will go to a temple frequently to worship on holidays. In these places we come together with other Indians in our community that reflect our dual culture and Indian identity.
Is there anything else you want to add about yourself that we missed?
I love making friends across campus because now as I walk from the parking lot to the front lawn I get to say hi to my kindergarten buddy, old middle school teachers, the library staff, teachers, and students in all grades.