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Travel Returns!

May 5th, 2022

Students in Germany

“The fact that we just went to Europe is pretty significant.” Clara Howell, Upper School history teacher

After multiple pandemic-related delays, a dozen Episcopal students finally had the opportunity to gaze upon the Swiss Alps. The trip, which has been two years in the making, included stops in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The band of travelers did all of this in only nine days over the recent spring break. Upper School history teacher Clara Howell says the experience was meaningful for everyone.


Dachau visit

“What do you wish for the world? What should we learn from a place like this?” Anja, Tour guide

Howell says one of the most profound experiences of the European adventure was a visit to the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site. With this being the off-season for tourists and travel still somewhat lagging due to the pandemic, the Episcopal travelers were the only visitors on site. They were initially scheduled to tour the location for 90 minutes; however, the students requested additional time to explore. Having a passionate history teacher as a chaperone proved to be a tremendous asset. Students had many questions, and Howell says an impromptu history lesson occurred. “It was one of the best days of teaching in my career,” she says. 

Global Studies Department Chair Dr. Rebecca Kuhn is delighted that the students and chaperones Howell and Upper School English teacher Scott Engholm had such an opportunity to learn. “History comes alive when you travel with your teacher,” she says. “We learn in groups, and there is something different about learning when you’re with your peers.” Howell, who traveled with her family to historical sites as a child, says there is real value in seeing something firsthand. “I love to travel,” she says. “The history sticks in my mind so much better.”

As with any excursion, some of the things that stick in the travelers’ minds are the small, unexpected details. Some of the students’ most memorable moments included climbing to the top of a mountain in the Swiss Alps and shopping in Vienna, learning more about the food, people and culture of Salzburg and exploring the old cathedrals. Students also enjoyed the “Sound of Music” tour and a visit to the Venetian palace of Empress Maria Theresa.

Students in Rome

Students at airportAnother group of Episcopal travelers also took advantage of the long spring break to enjoy a trip of their own. Upper School teachers Amy Rome and Dr. Edwin Way led a trip of 12 students to Italy and France.  The trip, which was originally slated for 2020, included stops in Rome, Pisa, Florence, Nice and Paris. The travelers rode bicycles to the top of a mountain, visited the oldest leather maker in Florence and explored the famous Pont Du Garde Roman aqueduct. Of course, students also enjoyed the Colosseum and the Vatican.

Rome, who once spent summers teaching in England, enjoys the opportunity to share the experience with others and says there are life lessons to be learned from traveling. She says students have the opportunity to see “how things are done elsewhere” and how to navigate in new places.  She is also grateful for the opportunity for such an experience. “We’re very appreciative that the school provides this opportunity for us,” she says. She says throughout the pandemic-related postponements, everyone was “super supportive.” There is also an appreciation for the relationships that develop along the way. “I feel like I get to have a stronger bond with the students,” says Rome.

Students in Germany

Students traveling

Now that travel is resuming, the Global Studies Department faculty are looking toward the future. Dr. Kuhn says the team is still considering upcoming trips. In the meantime, students have the opportunity for global learning in exciting courses like Hispanic Film and Culture, Non-Western Civilization and the always popular Ethics, Economics, and Cultural Impacts of Sport in the Hispanosphere.


The Episcopal School of Baton Rouge 2024-2025 application is now available! ​For more information on the application process, to schedule a tour, or learn more about the private school, contact us at [email protected] or 225-755-2685.

Posted in the categories All, Upper School.