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Strategies for Success with Distance Learning

March 19th, 2020

Tips for Distance Learning

Transitioning to online learning can present challenges for everyone.  What will be critical early on is setting up a routine, and making adjustments as needed.  Coordinate with peers and adults you trust to get ideas for what is working for them.

Strategies to consider:

  1. Make a designated study space in your home.  This should be away from distractions, such as the TV, noisy siblings, etc.  Whether it’s a desk in your room, the dining room table, etc., it’s important to determine what will work best for you.  Keep this area stocked with the things you will need, including highlighters, headphones, syllabus, chargers, etc. Consider including a visual timer to help keep you on track with a schedule.  
  2. Reduce distractions.  Keep phones and other distractions out of the space if possible.  Downloading website blockers such as Cold Turkey or Freedom can be helpful.  Some other strategies include: using headphones to listen to classical music, putting a note on your door alerting others that this is designated study time.  
  3. Create a schedule. Having some sort of routine and expectations will help you stay on track. Create a schedule that works with your strengths and learning style.  Make sure to build in breaks, including movement breaks.    
  4. Use the technology tools that help you to do your best.  For longer independent readings, novels, etc., using text to speech may be helpful for comprehension.  This can include Bookshare, Immersive Reader, Text to Speech on IPAD. Dictation is also available in Notability. There are also several apps listed below that can help with creating schedules with reminders.  Remember, there are resources such as Khan Academy and others that can help, too.
  5. Check in regularly with teachers and counselors, especially if there are subjects/content that are challenging.  Communication will be critical to getting help. Check email regularly, and connect with your LSS counselor if you need guidance or tips.   
  6. Follow online learning guidelines from Episcopal. Read, understand, and follow these guidelines to ensure there is not a disruption to your progress in your classes.
  7. Information from Common Sense Education:  Resources for at-home learning            
    ​Tools to help parents and caregivers keep kids focused and learning at home.
As mentioned above, having a daily schedule will be extremely helpful.  Remember, that your school day always includes recess/break, lunch, and often P. E.  Here is a sample schedule below that can be a guide:


Sample Schedule

7:30 ​am
​8 - 9  ​am
9 - 9:15  ​ am
​​9:15 - 10:15  ​am
​10:15 - 10:45  ​am
​10:45 - 11:30  ​am
​11:30 - 12  ​pm
​12 - 1 pm
​1 - 1:30 pm
​1:30 - 2:30 pm
​2:30 - 3:00 pm
​3 - 3:30 pm
​Online Learning - Middle  and Upper School students should check emails and online class sites.
​Online Learning
​Break - Get outside and enjoy some fresh air. Get active.
​Online Learning
​Online Learning
Conference with an accountability adult. Share your progress and seek support.
​Online Learning
​Social Time - Connect with a friend on technology or gaming.
​Wrap Up - Email teachers or classmates any remaining questions about assignments. Check to be sure all work has been turned in electronically, if needed.


Robin Talamo

Robin Talamo, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, who has been practicing for over twenty years.  She has served as the Episcopal Learning Support Services Coordinator since 2012. With the assistance of the other counselors, she guides the three divisions with support for students with various learning differences.  She leads such groups as Parents U-Knighted, the OYES program, and other important campus support activities.

The Episcopal School of Baton Rouge 2024-2025 application is now available! ​For more information on the application process, to schedule a tour, or learn more about the private school, contact us at [email protected] or 225-755-2685.